Child rights

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Statement by the Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia on the Occasion of International Day of Families

Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia – MODS marks this year International Day of Families, 15 May, as a Parenting Day and announces the campaign RODITELJ PLUS = batine minus aimed at providing support to parents and promotion of successful examples of upbringing without physical punishments.

In the following nine months, more than 90 civil society organizations in Serbia dealing with the child rights, together with several thousands of parents, will jointly develop resources for better, nicer and easier parenting, through a series of activities and exchange and promotion of positive experience.

Physical punishing of children is often processes in a very negative context of legal prohibition, which indicates that this topic affects parents where they are more sensitive, because the state does not have a regulated system of support which enables parents free and quality education, provision of information and timely and easily available support at the right moment.

This is why we announce this campaign also as an appeal for systemic support to parents.

According to data, 67% of children in Serbia, aged 2-14, experience some kind of violent discipline in family. It is encouraging that in spite of that one third of interviewed parents do not practice physical punishment, which is the evidence that such way of upbringing is not strange in our culture.

In the children is the holy germ,
new power lies in them.
A better world may rise
if they knew how to bring it.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action