Praxis Watch

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Registration of Permanent Residence for Newborns Facilitated

In January 2016, the provisions of the Rules on amendments to the Rules for procedure of registration and de-registration of permanent and temporary residence, registration of temporary stay abroad and return from abroad, passivization of permanent and temporary residence, forms and manner of keeping records (Rules) came into force, as well as the provisions of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Republic Administrative Fees, which simplified the procedure for registration of permanent residence for newborns.

According to the adopted amendments to the Rules, determination of the personal identification number for a newborn, whose both parents are the citizens of the Republic of Serbia and have their permanent residence registered at the same address, is considered to be the registration of the permanent residence for a newborn at the address of his/her parents. The registration of permanent residence for a newborn, whose parents have different addresses of permanent residence, may be performed by parents in the health institution by filling in the form for registration of permanent residence. Once a newborn is registered in the birth registry book, the filled form is electronically sent to the organizational unit of the Ministry of Interior competent in the place of registration, which, if the conditions prescribed by the law are fulfilled, performs the registration of the permanent residence for a newborn, while the filled form is sent to that organizational part for the input and keeping in e-records. At the same time, the amendments to the Law on Republic Administrative Fees envisage the exemption from payment of fees for the registration of a newborn and for certificate on registration of permanent residence for a newborn.

The envisaged amendments simplify and shorten the procedure for registration of permanent residence for newborns, facilitate the procedure to parents and most importantly they ensure that a larger number of children in the short term have the permanent residence registered, which is a prerequisite for the exercise of other guaranteed rights.

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