Social & Economic rights

Monday, 26 September 2011

Expert Debate "European Good Practices – Advocacy Tool in Serbia"

Non-governmental organization Praxis, with the support of the EU and in cooperation with partner organizations Heinrich Böll Foundation, Regional Centre for Minorities and Dokukino, is organizing the Expert Debate “European Good Practices - Advocacy Tool in Serbia” that will be held on 29-30 September 2011 in the Hotel Sumadija, 8 Sumadijski trg St, Belgrade, from 10:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m.

The Debate will host experts from the countries of the European Union and national experts who, in their joint dialogue, will once again try to draw attention to the problems of Roma population in Serbia in relation to enjoyment of the right to be recognized as a person before the law and the right to adequate housing, present examples of good practices in the Europe, propose the best solutions and formulate recommendations for their implementation.

Topics to be discussed:

The first day – 29 September 2011
The right to be recognized as a person before the law

  • Examples of good practices, good systemic solutions and international standards on (subsequent) registration in birth registry book
  • Subsequent registration of children whose parents do not possess necessary documents
  • Subsequent registration of adults who have no knowledge of their date and place of birth, persons whose parents have passed away, are unknown or reside at an unknown location
  • The Model Law on the Procedure for Recognition of Persons before the Law as one of possible solutions
  • Protection of the right to be recognized as a person before the law and its correlation with other human rights

The second day –30 September 2011
The right to adequate housing

  • Examples of good practices, good systemic solutions and international standards regarding evictions of informal Roma settlements
  • Legal remedies in cases of evictions
  • Examples of good practices, good systemic solutions and international standards regarding sustainable development of informal Roma settlements (possibilities for legalisation of settlements, possibilities for registration of permanent or temporary residence, etc.)
  • Protection of the right to adequate housing and its correlation with other human rights

Download: Profiles of Experts   Agenda




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Praxis means action
Praxis means action